May 4, 2024, 9:34 PM

At OIC summit;

Iran condemns continuation of Israeli crimes in Gaza

Iran condemns continuation of Israeli crimes in Gaza

TEHRAN, May 04 (MNA) – Delivering a speech at the 15th OIC summit in Gambia, Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian once again condemned the continuation of the Israeli regime's crimes in the Gaza Strip.

The OIC summit, slated to be held on Saturday and Sunday, is mainly themed “Promoting Unity and Solidarity Through Dialogue for Sustainable Development.”

Here's the full text of the statement read by the top Iranian diplomat at the OIC summit,

In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent the Most Merciful

Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,

At the outset I would like to express my pleasure for attending this valuable meeting in the beautiful country of Gambia. I appreciate the government and people of Gambia for their warm hospitality and congratulate the them on assuming the presidency of the 15th OIC summit.

At the beginning of my remarks, while strongly condemning the continuation of brutal crimes by the Zionist regime against the resistant and oppressed people of Gaza,  I would like to underscore the need to strengthen the unity and solidarity of Islamic countries more than ever to stop the genocide, various types of crimes of the Zionist regime and the necessity of sending immediate, sufficient and unhindered humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Undoubtedly, this period of time will pass with all its hardships and maladies inflicted upon the Palestinian nation, but the quality of our Muslim governments’ role in dealing with this crisis will be recorded in history.

There is no doubt that severing diplomatic and economic relations and practical arms and trade embargo is an important tool in stopping Israel’s genocide in Gaza and its crimes in the West Bank and Al-Quds Al-Sharif. We sincerely appreciate the Muslim and freedom-loving governments and countries that took action in this direction.

The recent developments in Palestine and the resistance of Gaza and the West Bank proved once again that the destruction of Palestinian resistance and Hamas, as a liberation movement formed against the occupation, was nothing more than an illusion. Since the Israeli regime is not  an legitimate government but only an apartheid occupying power and passage of time will never legitimize the occupier.

Realization of stable and just peace and security in the region is only feasible through the end of the occupation of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon, the return of Palestinian refugees to their homeland and guaranteeing the reinstitution of their right to self-determination.

The global campaign to support Palestine and condemn the Zionist regime's crimes against humanity is still going strong after 7 months since the start of the war and has reached the universities of the US, Europe and other countries of the world. The false claimants of freedom of speech in the West respond to this protesting voice of awakened human consciences with violent suppression and once again demonstrate their double standard approach.

Dear Presidents,

The public opinion of the world and especially the Islamic world strongly expects us to come up with important recommendations and measures as the result of this Summit, including:

1-  Emphasizing the establishment of an immediate, complete, unconditional and permanent ceasefire in all areas of Gaza, including in Rafah and even the West Bank;

2-  The complete lifting of the human blockade of Gaza;

3-  Exchange of prisoners;

4-  Obligating the Israeli regime to conduct an immediate, complete and unconditional withdrawal of all military forces and their equipment from Gaza and securing an international guarantee for the safe return of the people to their areas and places;

5- Imposing an immediate arms and trade embargo against the Israeli regime;

5-  Supporting the provisional binding order of the International Court of Justice and providing the ground for the trial and punishment of all the commanders and the perpetrators of Israeli crimes. To ensure peace and security in the region and the Islamic world, the rogue  and occupying Israeli regime must be stopped, brought to justice and punished.

Dear colleagues,

The Islamic world is now in a very sensitive and complex situation, in such a way that Islamic countries in their quest to achieve sustainable development goals are faced with a range of challenges, including economic instability, political unrest, regional conflicts, foreign occupation, the presence of outsiders, and the interferences coming from extra-regional powers. These challenges have so far led to the aggravation of poverty, weakening of social cohesion and disruption in the process of development efforts.

Nevertheless, these challenges may also create significant opportunities for progress and innovation in the Islamic world and the flourishing of Islamic civilization. The rich cultural heritage, diverse natural resources and young and talented population of Islamic countries have provided favorable grounds for advancing sustainable development plans based on Islamic values and indicators. In this regard, the world is witnessing that the talented and hardworking young men and women of Iran have achieved amazingly great wonders  in the development of indigenous  sciences and technologies. A similar rich capacity also exists among all young people in Islamic countries.

We believe that in line with the efforts to materialize the motto of “enhancing unity and solidarity through dialogue for sustainable development”;

First, by focusing and investing in human resources, technology and infrastructure, Islamic nations may very well utilize their great capacity to achieve the goals of sustainable development of Muslim nations.

Second, in order to deepen the level of cooperation and spread sustainable and all-round development, the network of economic, technical, developmental, commercial and financial-monetary cooperation between Islamic countries should be further strengthened in the context of targeted and joint agreements and mechanisms.

Third, creating a dedicated platform within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to share knowledge, expertise and resources related to sustainable development is necessary for the realization of the development plans of Muslim nations.

Fourth- It is a necessity to promote the economic and commercial integration between the member countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in order to achieve the goals of sustainable development, based on oir values.

Fifth- Making use of technological initiatives and innovations and the expansion of scientific research in order to advance the agenda of achieving sustainable development goals within the framework of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation requires the devising an appropriate mechanism.

Distinguished President,

Undoubtedly, the important goals of sustainable development in any part of the world will not be achieved without guaranteeing sustainable peace and security.  Cooperation and synergy between countries become

integral and urgent by striving for the motto of “security and sustainable development for all”.

Mr. President, Dear Colleagues, Brothers and Sisters

In conclusion I would like to emphasize that the terrorist attack carried out by the Zionist regime against the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus once again unveiled the true visage of the terrorist regime of Israel.

The Islamic Republic of Iran had to resort to exercising its right  of legitimate defense, and after being disappointed with the  role of the UN Security Council as a deterrent, on Saturday, April 13, it gave a minimal and limited military response to Israel. Of course, we loudly warned that in case of any new adventurism on part of the Israeli regime against our interests inside or outside Iran, our next reaction against Israel will be at the maximum level, immediate and will cause the regime  completely regret its misadventures.  This is an irreversibly unchangeable decision.

Iran’s recourse to exercise its right to self-defense shows our responsible approach towards the peace and security of the region and the world at large. We consider the security of the Islamic world and the security of the region to be the security of Iran, and we warmly extend our hands in friendship to the governments of the region and the Islamic world. The occupying regime of Israel is the root of insecurity and remains our common enemy.

Once again I declare the full readiness of the Islamic Republic of Iran to cooperate with the government of The Gambia and all member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation in order to improve the efficiency of the organization in the current transitionary state of the  world with the aim of strengthening and guaranteeing common interests and safeguarding the political and economic independence of Islamic countries.


News ID 214718


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